A variety of workshops for parish staff and volunteer leadership are currently being developed. Offered by OYYAM staff and trained field staff, each session seeks to support the development of effective youth and young adult ministry in relation to a particular pastoral or organizational need. Possible participants include pastors, staff, parish youth ministry teams, ministry volunteers, general parish leadership and other interested adults.
Initial sessions offered by parish /ministry include:
- Overview of Youth Ministry – Provides an overview of the vision for comprehensive youth ministry in parishes.
- Hiring and supporting a Youth Minister – Assists a parish in preparing to develop a job description, and a search process for a youth ministry coordinator.
- How to Find Leaders and Organize a Team for Youth Ministry – Assists parishes leaders in organizing a team and recruiting additional adults for leadership in youth ministry.
- Planning for Dynamic Youth Ministry – Helps parish communities assess current strengths, identify resources for youth ministry and develop a practical plan for developing more effective youth ministry with adolescents.
- Becoming a Youth Friendly Parish – Helps parish communities to plan for ways to include retreats as part of future ministry efforts.
- Planning for Retreat Ministry – Helps parish communities to plan for ways to include retreats as part of future ministry efforts.
- Overview of Junior High Ministry – Helps parish communities plan for ministry with middle school /junior high age youth. This will include information about the development and faith need of this age group.
- Youth and Liturgy – Helps parish communities develop a plan for promoting youth participation in liturgy by creating ways to prepare youth for liturgy, prepare liturgies that include youth and prepare community for youth involvement.
- Understanding Youth Today – Helps ministry leaders to understand the developmental and faith growth need of adolescents. This will also include generational insights about millennial youth.
In addition, skill based workshops will be offered for adult leaders from multiple parishes. These workshops may be offered within deaneries, regions or within the context of an Archdiocesan event such as Youth Convention.
Sessions will include:
- How to lead prayer with youth
- How to build community with youth
- How to engage in service with youth
- Building relationships with youth
- Methods for Evangelizing Youth
- Keys to Program Planning
- Skills for Small Group Facilitation
- Promoting Positive Behavior with youth