Wednesday, November 28, 2007

National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM)

Mission Statement
To serve those who serve the young Catholic Church.
Vision Statement
We, the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, participate in the mission of the Catholic Church by advocating for and supporting Catholic youth ministry on the national, diocesan, and local level. As a professional organization of affiliated dioceses and collaborating members, we:
  • advocate for the role and needs of young people in the Church and in society andpromote the role of the Church and the Gospel in the lives of young people.
  • promote a comprehensive approach to youth ministry as articulated in Renewing the Vision.
  • provide leadership, resources, services, and conferences for the education andformation of diocesan leaders, youth ministers, and young people.
  • support diocesan youth ministry leaders and collaborating members.
  • dialogue and collaborate with the U.S. Catholic Bishops and national leadership organizations for the promotion of youth ministry and the professional development of church leaders.

In response to the Gospel, and in pursuit of our mission and vision, we act in accord with these values:

  • the dignity and giftedness of each person
  • the baptismal call of each person to discipleship and ministry
  • the gifts and charisms of young people
  • the richness of diversity
  • the challenge of justice and peace
  • the wisdom of shared leadership

Strategic Goals

  • To serve adult leaders of youth ministry by providing vision, leadership, professional standards, and educational, spiritual, and ministry formation.
  • To be an advocate for youth in the Catholic Church and in society, ensuring that the voice of young people is heard and that the gifts of young people are valued.To promote and encourage ministry to youth within all cultures, settings, and environments within the Catholic Church.
  • To ensure that the structures, programs, and services of the Federation reflect the multicultural and diverse church.
  • To exercise responsible stewardship of human and material resources.
  • To collaborate with the organizational structures of the Catholic Church and with other ministry and youth-serving organizations that affect the field of youth ministry.