Friday, December 18, 2009

CRS' Food Fast Program - REMINDER

As you know, one of the great gifts of our Catholic faith and tradition is Catholic Social Teaching. Combine this with the desire of our youth to act upon their faith. Add the need of many young people to perform community service hours for school, honor society, Scouting, etc. and you have a win-win opportunity to help our youth grow in understanding of the Catholic Faith and to empower them to make a difference in the lives of others.

Many of you heard at "Catholic Youth Louder than Before! Convention 2009" about the incredible work done by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in the name of the Catholic Church throughout the world. CRS has a program and resources entitled "Food Fast" that is a great structure to offer an opportunity to do a retreat for Confirmation, to prepare mission trekkers, to engage our youth in the message of CST and solidarity with the marginalized.

All permission slips, schedules, activities, prayers, ice breakers are available on line at the Food Fast website and are new, fresh and powerful. CRS West Youth Programs Coordinator, Jeanine Boucher-Colbert (503-282-6406) can put you in touch with other youth leaders who have implemented this program in their parish, school or deanery!

CRS provides speakers for the Food Fast program which can be arranged through Mikaele Sansone at 410-951-7336 or

CRS has more than 70 priests, deacons, and seminarians committed to spreading the message about our gospel call to global solidarity. Our Global Fellows have witnessed firsthand how the work of CRS helps bring joy and assistance to those in need around the world.
A CRS Global Fellow can visit your youth group and community and share how CRS is helping those who are hungry overseas.

Monday, November 30, 2009

POSITION OPENING, Deadline Fri Dec 4

St. Theresa’s Parish in Federal Way seeks a Part Time (25 hours per week) Youth Minister to direct Senior High (9-12) and Middle School (6-8) Youth programs. The following qualities are necessary: practicing Catholic with personal commitment to the way of Jesus Christ, proven ability of effectively catechizing youth, possessing an understanding of Church teaching, scripture and liturgy, self motivated, creative and energetic, responsible and reliable, with organizational ability and good people skills. Degree or certification in Youth Ministry, Religious Education or related field preferred. Details about the parish may be found at website: Competitive salary/with benefits. For application package, contact Linda DeMarce at 253-838-5924, ext #307. Application Deadline: Friday, December 4th.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

ONE Week Follow Up: "If you want peace, work for justice", Pope Paul VI

I just watched youth and adults from Holy Disciples (Puyallup) and Our Lady of Good Counsel (Eatonville) pull out of our parking lot on their way to Sojourner Place - "A Haven for Women in Transition", a home where many of them served in their ONE Week in Seattle back in July. The Archbishop Thomas J. Murphy Courtyard at St. James Cathedral was a pit stop for prayer on their way from one of the Volunteer Chore Services sites where they returned to support a family they met earlier this summer by clearing away a truck load of unused items for donation at St. Vincent de Paul and another load destined for the dump.

Their actions remind us all that living out our Catholic Social Teaching and responding to the call of our discipleship is not limited to one week during our summer or to a mission trip for which we might raise considerable funds to participate. Our discipleship is practiced every day and in our local communities. I am thankful to have been able to witness such selfless care and compassion in action.

The next step for them and for us all is to identify those needs within our immediate community that we are called to fill and to respond to. To engage our families and our parish communities to participate alongside us to grow the impact of ONE Week, ONE Day, ONE Moment.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

RESOURCE - Food Fast with CRS

Join Food Fast 2009-2010
Help young people show others what a difference they can make!

Join Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and assist the poor overseas by holding a Food Fast with your teens. Food Fast is Catholic Relief Services’ 24-hour awareness program for Catholic youth. Focusing on global poverty and hunger, Food Fast offers a journey of solidarity with our brothers and sisters overseas, as a way of living out our Catholic faith.

This is a great way to incorporate Catholic Social Teaching into your program. This can be incorporated into your program during Confirmation, Lent or as a pre-mission trip preparation experience.

To order your FREE resources (available in both Spanish and English) and/or for more information about the program, visit the Food Fast website, or call 1-800-222-0025.

Friday, August 14, 2009

ONE Week - done for Summer 2009!

As I sit here writing this, the final wrap is being put on our ONE Week program for the summer of 2009. Many of the OYYAM staff were able to make it out to the Olympic Peninsula this past week and witness in action the Junior High youth from Our Lady of the Mountain (Ft. Lewis), St. Vincent de Paul (Federal Way), Mary Queen of Peace (Issaquah), Immaculate Conception (Arlington) and St. Gabriel (Port Orchard). They closed out the summer in fine fashion, making a difference in the lives of the people of Forks, WA and growing in their own awareness of their call as disciples to live out our Catholic Social Teaching. To be sure, they were dazzled by the beauty that surrounded them during the beachside communion service led by Deacon Jeff Greer but also both affirmed and challenged by the Body of Christ that they were a part of the entire week.

A big thanks to the communities who shared hospitality by opening their facilities to us and all of the site directors who gave their time and energy in leading our youth in transforming the community and themselves through ONE Week:
St. Anne, Forks, High School - Maryelyn Scholz and Joy Galvez
Our Lady of Good Help, Hoquiam, High School - Ann LaBeck and Tanya Lange
Immaculate Conception, Seattle, High School - Tauno Latvala
St. Michael, Snohomish, Junior High - GerriAnne McMakin and Joy Galvez
St. Anne and Calvary Temple, Forks, Junior High - Maryelyn Scholz and Anthony Lezcano

A BIG thanks to our cooks who kept us well fed and healthy throughout the week so we we would be able to accomplish the tasks we were called upon to do:
Forks, Hoquiam, Seattle, Snohomish - Britta Folden
Forks - Karen Lezcano

Thank you to the adult leaders and coordinators of youth ministry who prepared and planned for their parish participation in the program and provided supervision, transportation, leadership and a supportive presence on the journey of ONE Week itself.

And most importantly, thank you to the youth who gave up ONE Week during their summer to do something for others and not for themselves. Let's do it again next summer!!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

RESOURCE - National Public Lands Day - Living out Catholic Social Teaching! - September 26, 2009

Are you looking for a way to practice Catholic Social Teaching with your youth, families and parishioners?

Care for God’s Creation...
We show our respect for the Creator by our stewardship of creation. Care for the earth is not just an Earth Day slogan, it is a requirement of our faith. We are called to protect people and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation. This environmental challenge has fundamental moral and ethical dimensions that cannot be ignored.

Call to Family, Community, and Participation
The person is not only sacred but also social. How we organize our society in economics and politics, in law and policy directly affects human dignity and the capacity of individuals to grow in community. Marriage and the family are the central social institutions that must be supported and strengthened, not undermined. We believe people have a right and a duty to participate in society, seeking together the common good and well-being of all, especially the poor and vulnerable.

National Public Lands Day provides a great opportunity to practice stewardship of God's Creation and participate in the work of, and the connection to, the larger community.

It began in 1994 with three federal agencies and 700 volunteers. Last year 120,000 volunteers worked in over 1,800 locations and in every state. Now, 8 federal agencies and many state and local lands participate in this annual day of caring for shared lands.

National Public Lands Day keeps the promise of the Civilian Conservation Corps, the "tree army" that worked from 1933-42 to preserve and protect America's natural heritage.

This annual event:
1. Educates Americans about critical environmental and natural resources issues and the need for shared stewardship of these valued, irreplaceable lands;
2. Builds partnerships between the public sector and the local community based upon mutual interests in the enhancement and restoration of America's public lands;
3. Improves public lands for outdoor recreation, with volunteers assisting land managers in hands-on work.

There are sites all across Washington state including Mt. Rainier and Mt. St. Helens National Parks, Magnuson Park Wetlands, Ft. Lewis, Lakebay among others...

What better way to kick off your year of youth and family ministry and provide an outing for families and parishioners to grow closer to one another and Our Creator while serving the greater good!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

RESOURCE - CMD Youth Ministry Access Subscriptions


DATE: July 23, 2009
TO: Priests, Pastoral Coordinators and Coordinators of Youth Ministry
FROM: Tauno Latvala, Director of Youth Ministry

SUBJECT: CMD Youth Ministry Access Subscriptions


We have been pleased to have been able to provide subscriptions to many parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Seattle for the Center for Ministry Development’s online resource, Youth Ministry Access (YMA), for the last 3 years.

Unfortunately, with the financial environment calling for tighter budgets, this is something we can no longer afford to do. However, we would like to do what we can to make this resource accessible for those that value it and would like to continue to utilize it in their programs.

The Center for Ministry Development (CMD) will still make the discounted price available for those that go through our office to subscribe. The prices would be: $120 for either YMA High School or YMA Middle School OR $180 for both YMA High School and Middle School. The current price without the discount would be $150 or $220 so your parish would save $30 or $40 based on what subscription you purchase.

If you are interested in purchasing a subscription through OYYAM, please send your check payable in the appropriate amount, indicate on the check to which program you are subscribing and send it to: OYYAM Attn: YMA; 710 9th Avenue; Seattle, WA 98104.

When we have received your check, we will place the order for your subscription with CMD. We recognize that parishes have different renewal dates, so we offer the following deadlines for renewal notifications and checks to our office:
August 1, 2009
September 15, 2009
November 15, 2009

We will notify CMD of the renewals we receive at that time and send payment accordingly. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

RESOURCE - Comprehensive Youth Ministry Evaluation Grid

For those of us that are busy preparing for next year, a look back at last year might be a good way to start. The Center for Ministry Development has a good tool that you may be familiar with through your YouthWorks, Youth Ministry Access or Celebrate Youth resources but if you don't, they have given us permission to make that available to you on our blog. Just click on for the Youth Ministry Evaluation Tool, CMD on the Mentoring and Support resource page.

RESOURCE - Catholic Faith and Family Bible from CMD

The Catholic Faith and Family Bible from the Center for Ministry Development was created to make the Bible easier to read and understand for ordinary Catholic families, draw readers into the power of God's Word, and help Catholic families grow in faith together. Most important, Catholic families will discover God's message for their lives today!

The Catholic Faith and Family Bible is designed to be a part of daily family living. It will be found throughout the house: at the dinner table as part of family prayer, on the living room coffee table as part of family discussion, in the parents' bedroom as a source of inspiration and solace, in a teen's room as a source of learning and guidance. The one place you won't find this Bible: tucked away in a corner of a remote bookshelf.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Stoning of Soraya M - Live Video Conversation with Producer

Join a Live Video Conversation with Stephen McEveety
Producer of The Stoning of Soraya M.
Thursday, July 9, at 10 am PST

Presented by
in Partnership with Livestream

July 7, 2009 - On Thursday, July 9th beginning at 10 AM PST, will give audiences the chance to engage in a compelling conversation with award-winning producer Stephen McEveety (The Stoning of Soraya M., The Passion of the Christ, Braveheart) regarding the film and its story that is making headlines around the world – from social injustice to human rights, from the United States to the Middle East.

Through Livestream technology, viewers will have a chance to not only watch the interview with Stephen as he discusses this important film, but they will also have the opportunity to dialogue with him, send links and other information back and forth, and engage in a global conversation from their personal computer.

The host is Dr. Craig Detweiler who is a screenwriter, author, and culture commentator. Craig has been featured on ABC News, CNN, The New York Times, and NPR.

For more information or to join the conversation visit

About is a social media experience and content destination for spiritually-minded Millennials looking to engage their faith.

About the Film
In a world of secrecy, corruption and injustice, a single courageous voice can tell a true story that changes everything. The emotionally charged experience of THE STONING OF SORAYA M is based on an incredible true story of a village’s persecution of an innocent woman which becomes both a daring act of witness and a compelling parable about mob rule. It is both a classic fable of good and evil and an inspiring tribute to the many fighting against injustice all around the world. Starring Academy Award® nominee Shohreh Aghdashloo (“House of Sand and Fog”) and Jim Caviezel (“The Passion Of The Christ”), it is directed by Cyrus Nowrasteh (“Path to 9/11”). In theatres now. For more information about the film visit:

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

RESOURCE - movie screening - DEMAND - sex-trafficking documentary

The following information is from Susan Francois, CSJP - Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center. Please contact her at with any questions.

Thursday, July 9, 2009
7 to 8:30 PM
St Patrick’s Church Social Hall
2702 Broadway E, Seattle

DEMAND. Movie Screening

The IPJC Young Adult Justice Book Group invites you (all ages are invited to attend, though children are not advised due to the subject matter) to a screening of the ground-breaking documentary DEMAND.

DEMAND. exposes the market drivers that fuel and normalize the sex trafficking industry.

HEAR the stories of women and children affected by sex trafficking.

SEE undercover footage of the sex trafficking industry.

LEARN how to end modern day slavery by stopping the demand.

DISCOVER resources for advocacy and action to stop trafficking in the Pacific Northwest.

Thursday, July 9, 2009
7 to 8:30 PM
St Patrick’s Church Social Hall
2702 Broadway E, Seattle

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

RESOURCE - Grace Hill Media - Free Preview Screenings

Are you interested in attending advance screenings or special previews of movies with a message? Past Grace Hill Media opportunities have been Chronicles of Narnia, Bella and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Just sign up here.

They just recently sent out a timely link with all that is going on in Iran. Hear first-hand from Iranian Academy Award Nominee Shohreh Aghdashloo on "The Today Show" about what's happening in the streets of Iran and how it relates to her upcoming film, "The Stoning of Soraya M."

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Youth Convention Planning Team

Preparations for High School Youth Convention 2009 are underway and the planning team is getting ready to gather on Thursday, July 9th to start that part of the process. We will meet monthly from here until the event. If you are interested in volunteering or perhaps being in a stipended position, please contact Tauno at 206.382.2019. Thanks.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Reminder - 2009 Cardinal Bernadin New Leadership Award

Please see below a reminder from Jill Rauh, Youth and Young Adult Coordinator for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 10:22 AM
Subject: Reminder: Cardinal Bernardin New Leadership Award Nominations Due July 31

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to remind you that nominations of young persons ages 18-30 for the 2009 Cardinal Bernardin New Leadership Award are due July 31, 2009. This award, given annually to a Catholic young adult engaged in efforts to end the root causes of poverty, is an excellent opportunity to recognize a deserving young Catholic from your diocese.

The brochure and nomination form are available here.

Please submit all nominations by July 31, 2009. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this celebration of young Catholic leaders and their work to fight poverty in the U.S. As always, please let me know if you have any questions!


Jill Rauh
Youth & Young Adult Coordinator
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
3211 Fourth Street NE
Washington, DC 20017-1194
202/541-3329 (fax)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

ACCY and Ascend

A few quick reminders about ACCY...
1. OYYAM recommendation is that ALL potential ACCY members participate in Ascend. However, only those who are interested in being diocesan delegates are required to attend.
2. The deadline for potential ACCY diocesan delegates to register for Ascend was extended to June 15th.
3. Remember that parishes will decide who will represent them on ACCY in the regions and the regions will determine who will represent them as diocesan delegates. The plan is for the regions to use time at the fall gathering on September 10 to determine the process for choosing their diocesan delegates. Therefore, NO applications need be sent to OYYAM.
4. If you have further questions, please call OYYAM at 206.382.4562.

RESOURCE - Journal of Student Ministries

The Journal of Student Ministries is a resource for those working in ministry with young people. Among the many items currently on their home page is a link to an article from USA Today about the Catholic presence on the US Supreme Court due to the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the bench.

Friday, June 5, 2009

RESOURCE - Need a Self Directed Retreat?

Did you miss the Youth and Young Adult Ministers Retreat and you are looking for a way to do a self directed retreat? Our retreats are often rooted in a book that taps into what we need to replenish ourselves for ministry and ourselves for our life beyond ministry. The links that are listed here provide you with details about the books, and in the case of "Sabbath" provide you with a searchable copy. All of these sites offer discounts for used copies if you would like to go that route. You may of course choose not to purchase from these sites but they sometimes give options that the publishers do not.

This year, we examined, "Sabbath - Restoring the Sacred Rhythm of Rest" by Wayne Muller. Last year, our retreat was based on "The Godbearing Life - the Art of Soul Tending for Youth Ministry" by Kenda Creasy Dean and Ron Foster. Many of you may recognize that Kenda was one of the keynotes from the National Conference of Catholic Youth Ministry (NCCYM) held in Cleveland, OH this past year. We have also had the opportunity to hear Mike Carotta present from the book he wrote with his wife entitled "Sustaining the Spirit - Callings, Commitments & Vocational Challenges". All these books would present worthwhile opportunities for some self reflection, challenge and affirmation of the work you do as a minister but also who you are as a person of faith independent of your role as minister.

I encourage you to take the time to do a little bit each day to engage in the care of you and your relationship with God. God gave us the commandment, we just have to obey!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

RESOURCE - "Sabbath, Restoring the Sacred Rhythm of Rest" by Wayne Muller

This book was the basis for our Youth and Young Adult Ministers Retreat last week because as ministers we don't always engage in the traditional Sabbath because of our role and duties in ministry that take up our Sunday. The book gives many short reflections about rest and renewal from a variety of faith traditions and maybe most importantly it also gives practical suggestions about how to integrate Sabbath into our lives. It is critical for us as ministers to incorporate our Catholic faith and our relationship with God into our daily lives beyond the minstries that we facilitate. This book is a good resource to do so...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

RESOURCE - NFCYM Prayer Corner

Greetings from the Youth and Young Adult Ministers Retreat on Hood Canal at St. Andrew's House. Given the opportunity for prayer we have had on retreat here, I wanted to share a good resource for prayer that NFCYM has in case you haven't found it yet. Blessings!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

RESOURCE - Youth Development - Assets

Ever wonder what youth ministry and construction have in common?

What we do in comprehensive youth ministry provides not only an understanding of our Catholic faith and Christian call to discipleship but also promotes healthy youth development.

From the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM)...

"...Imagine a building under construction or renovation, especially one whose inner structure has been severely damaged. Often, the construction company will erect a scaffold around the building to support it and "hold it up" while the internal pieces are strengthened. Then, when it can stand on its own, the scaffold is removed, piece by piece, a little at a time. As the building develops more of its internal structure, the external scaffolding is slowly removed.

In many ways, adolescent development should take the same course. Each young person is developing an internal support structure—the other image here is "backbone" or "spine," as in describing a person of strong character as someone with "real backbone." But that construction cannot happen in a vacuum. He or she needs the support (scaffold) of family, school, church, and community for that development to take place..."

Many of you have probably heard of the Search Institute and their list of 40 assets. They have a number of good resources for those of us working in youth ministry, even as entire faith communities to help us understand youth development better and create more effective ways of supporting youth and their parents during this important time of adolescence.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Youth and Young Adult Ministers Retreat

Just a quick note: The Youth and Young Adult Ministers Retreat is scheduled for Tuesday-Thursday May 26-28 NOT May 25-27. Sorry about the confusion.
YYAM Retreat Registration

Friday, May 15, 2009

Moving Beyond Compliance to Conversion

Moving From Compliance to Conversion is an article with Archbishop Brunett on the USCCB website in their Child and Youth Protection section from their resources for Child Abuse Prevention month. There are some worthwhile resources here for use in pastorally addressing concerns and questions about child sexual abuse.

This article is based on the full address Moving Beyond Compliance to Conversion delivered by Archbishop Alex J. Brunett to the Third Annual National Safe Environment Leadership Conference in Seattle, Washington on April 8, 2008.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Child Abuse Prevention Materials

This is a particularly difficult time with all that is in the news, commentary and blogosphere regarding the lawsuit and associated trial against the Archdiocese of Seattle for the sexual abuse committed by former priest Patrick O’Donnell. I feel helpless as I read the accounts and read, hear and feel the response of the community both within and outside the Catholic Church. That is when I turn to God for prayer and healing in all that is taking place around me.

I am clear that there is very little that I can do about what did or did not happen yesterday but through the strength of God’s presence in my life and the conviction of my faith, I am determined to identify what I can do to make a difference moving forward. I can pray for healing for all involved. I can also do what I can to keep sexual abuse from happening.

I am certain that those of you who work with youth and young adults in the Church have arrived at a similar place. I am hopeful that you have previously seen the materials from the Safe Environment Program that went out to the parishes in preparation for Child Abuse Prevention Month in April but I thought given everything that is happening it would be worth reminding folks that this information is here. There are some good resources that I encourage you to use in your own processing but also with the youth, young adults and families you work with so that they can also feel empowered to make a difference.

My hope is that out of this difficult time, we may remain or grow aware of those steps that we can take to make a difference in the life of a young person.

Blessings to you and the ministry you guide!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

RESOURCE - Justice, Peace and Human Development Initiatives

This is a follow up communication to the art contest which we sent information out for in a previous email. If you haven't looked at it previously, the resources and contest might be something you look at for use in your program or class next year. There is also information regarding an award for young adults engaged in the practice of addressing the root causes of poverty and injustice.

From Jill Rauh, Justice, Peace and Human Development
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Dear Colleagues,

JPHD is pleased to announce two initiatives to assist you in sharing Catholic social teaching with your audiences.

1) 2010 CCHD Multi-Media Youth Arts Contest

This contest is a tool for schools and parishes to engage youth in grades 7 through 12 in learning about the causes of poverty, Catholic social teaching, the two feet of social action, and the work and witness of groups funded by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. All art forms are welcome, such as YouTube videos, music, painting, drama, writing, PowerPoint slideshows, etc.

Several dozen pages of new lesson plans and activities for use with this contest are posted on the contest website.

Summer is an excellent time for many schools and parishes to plan for the coming year. A sample email message and flyer to spread the word about this contest are attached.

2) Cardinal Bernardin New Leadership Award

This annual award is given to a Catholic young adult engaged in efforts to address the root causes of poverty and injustice in the United States.

The award is presented at a reception at the November meeting of the bishops of the United States. Please consider nominating a young Catholic ages 18-30 in your diocese.

The deadline for nominations is July 31, 2009.

The brochure and nomination form are available here. Please feel free to contact me for more information about either of these initiatives.

In Christ,

Jill Rauh

Issue Outreach and Youth and Young Adult Coordinator
Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
3211 Fourth Street Northeast Washington, DC 20017

This was sent from a general email address. To contact the sender of the alert directly, please use the email address in their signature. To contact JPHD about general information, email

Monday, May 11, 2009

INVITATION - Snohomish Deanery invites you to participate in Scream on June 26!

Scream is an all night event for middle school youth sponsored by the youth ministers in the Snohomish Deanery.

Any one who just attended 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th grade.

$35.00 per person

This year's event schedule is:
St PIUS X (dance, rally pizza and pop)
SWIMMING (donuts & juice)

We provide buses from St. Pius X to Lynnwood Pool and every place in between. Parents are responsible for drop off and pick up.

Swimsuit and towel, roller skates (if you have them), money for other snacks.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Youth and Young Adult Ministers Retreat

In the previous post, Mike Yaconelli, referenced the need for us to care for own souls as ministers. What greater way than to come on out to St. Andrew's House for our annual Youth and Young Adult Ministers Retreat on May 25-27. Check out the promotional video that shows the facility that we will be enjoying. They are wonderful at providing outstanding hospitality and very good food!

Our theme will be focused on "Sabbath - Restoring the Sacred Rhythm of Rest" and facilitated by OYYAM staff. To make the opportunity more accessible, there is a two-night option (Tues-Thurs) or one-night option (Wed-Thurs). We will gather on Tuesday night for a prayer experience and wine and cheese social, with the content of our retreat beginning on Wednesday morning. We will have time together on Thursday, share brunch and end by 1pm.

Participants are invited to sign up for prayer times so that we can experience the breadth and depth of our fellow ministers. There will be plenty of time for enjoying the facility and the beach nearby for rest and relaxation.

For more information, to receive a registration form or to RSVP, please contact Tauno via email or by phone at 206.382.2019.

YYAM Retreat Registration

Caring For Your Own Soul While Ministering to Others

Mike Yaconelli was the co-founder of Youth Specialties, spent 43 years of his life in ministry to youth and was considered by many in the field to be the "grandfather of youth ministry." His untimely death in 2003 left family, friends, and the youth ministry world with a great void. But during his lifetime, he touched countless lives and helped make youth ministry the respected calling it is today.

While some of the language he uses referencing church structure may be foreign to us because he was not Catholic, his core message hits home for those of us in the field of youth ministry. As we near the end of the "program year" and the coming intensity of summer mission trips, pilgrimages and activities, I hope that you will find his words both affirming and challenging!

Please click on the link below to read the entire article of the excerpt below.



"What I Wish I Knew When I Started Youth Ministry,
Part 2: Caring For Your Own Soul While Ministering to Others"
by Mike Yaconelli

Everyone was saying that I was doing really well, but something inside was telling me that my success was putting my own soul in danger.
—Henri Nouwen, In the Name of Jesus (Crossroad, 1989)

The call of God is difficult to explain but impossible to ignore. It is the nagging, conscious awareness asking you to do something. The asking comes not from words, but from deep within, as though a voice had been planted inside and, now, is beginning to speak. This voice, the calling voice, has many ways of speaking—your passion for young people, the unique parts of you that seem to attract young people, the sense of joy and fulfillment that overflows into your soul when you're with young people. It is the great YES of your life that fills you with a sense of belonging, the warmth of being home. Heady wine, this call to youth ministry.

The call of youth ministry is unmistakable, relentless, captivating.

And dangerous.

Because in reality it is a job. And once ministry becomes a job, the rules all change, and Youth Ministry The Job conflicts with Youth Ministry The Call.

Youth Ministry The Job has a job description, performance objectives, mission statements, evaluation forms. It's about measuring—how many, how much…growth, success, results.

Youth Ministry The Call, on the other hand, is a mystery—and (trust me) the mystery of youth ministry is very frustrating for church boards and executive pastors.

Youth Ministry The Call has a rhythm all its own—slow...

REGION XII Meeting - Portland, OR

Frances, Bridget and I just returned late yesterday from the Region XII Youth and Young Adult Ministry Gathering in Portland, OR that took place May 5-7. All in all, it was a fruitful meeting that gave us an opportunity to conduct business related to the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM), do some reflection on "Co-Workers in the Vineyard", talk about the goings on in our respective regions, share resources and approaches to ministry and hear from collaborating members Jeanine Boucher-Colbert (CRS) and Tom Tomaszek (OCP). Dioceses from our region that were represented were: Helena, Boise, Spokane, Baker, Portland and Seattle. We look forward to sharing with you the fruits of our experience in the months to come.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

RESOURCE - My Catholic Voice

Are you seeking the inspiration or content that is present at the national gatherings of youth ministry but don't have the time or resource to make it happen? mycatholicvoice is a Catholic website that offers much more but I want to specifically point out in this entry that you can download presentations from NCCYM for your own benefit or for your core team of leadership. Just go to the main page and do a search for NCCYM+presentations. As with anything on the internet you should always check the source for authenticity and relationship to Catholic Church teaching. Given that the NCCYM presentations are from the event sponsored by the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry you can be sure they are grounded in our faith and will be a great tool for use in your ministry!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hispanic Ministry and Pew Research Report

Several of our OYYAM staff participated in the Hispanic Ministry in-service today hosted by the Office of the Vicar for Clergy (OVC) at St. James Cathedral.

A study by the Pew Research Center was referenced and it reminded me of an article I read in the Seattle Times earlier this week.

Among the findings of the larger report, it shared information that many of us are by now familiar:

Major changes in the makeup of American Catholicism also loom on the horizon. Latinos, who already account for roughly one-in-three adult Catholics overall, may account for an even larger share of U.S. Catholics in the future. For while Latinos represent roughly one-in-eight U.S. Catholics age 70 and older (12%), they account for nearly half of all Catholics ages 18-29 (45%).

Of course, this has implications for those of us working in the field of youth and young adult ministry. OVC will be putting the powerpoint into a form that perhaps can be shared with you who didn't get a chance to participate in the meeting today. We will share with you when we can.

At the same time, if you haven't had a chance to look at this report from 2008, you should go the Pew Research Center and utilize the interactive features to learn more about religious affiliation in the United States. You can also sign up so that when reports come out, they will email you directly.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

World Fair Trade Day - May 9, 2009!

From Jeanine Boucher-Colbert, CRS West, Youth Programs

Please join CRS in celebrating World Fair Trade Day. Be part of a movement in the US to beat the World Record for the largest Fair Trade Break and build a movement of hope around the world. On and around Saturday, May 9, you can join hundreds of thousands of people across the U.S. and in over 80 countries to promote Fair Trade and campaign for trade justice together with farmers and artisans around the world.

In the U.S. we are doing our part by setting the record straight. Please join workplaces, churches, synagogues, schools, businesses & neighbors as we help break last year's World's Largest Fair Trade break. We are aiming for 55,000 total participants in the US!

How can you participate? Between May 1-10 you can:
  1. Count a Fair Trade coffee break at your parish or schools!
  2. Kick around a Fair Trade soccer ball!
  3. Make lemonade with Fair Trade sugar!
  4. Share a Fair Trade chocolate bar from Divine or Equal Exchange.
  5. Hold a Work of Human Hands Sale!

Check out this short video from the Fair Trade Resource Network to get an idea of what World Fair Trade Day is about.

It's easy! Just remember to send a short description of your event and the number of people who attended to Jackie DeCarlo, Fair Trade Coordinator at Catholic Relief Services BEFORE May 15! You can reach Jackie here.

ORDER YOUR FREE RESOURCES today from the Fair Trade Resource Network

Learn more about how Catholic Relief Services' brings a better future to farmers and artisans at CRS Fair Trade. Join us in building the Fair Trade movement on and around May 9th! With economic justice, everyone wins!

Call me if you have any questions!

Jeanine Jeanine Boucher-Colbert
Youth Programs, CRS West

Monday, April 27, 2009

Thanks to ACCY!

This weekend marked our final gathering of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Youth (ACCY) for 2008-09. We are very appreciative of their time, talents and energy this year in service to the youth of the Archdiocese.

We are also appreciative of Andrew and Jen Feucht who have served so capably as the ACCY Coordinators for the last several years. As many of you heard at Junior High Rally, they are stepping down from their roles at this time. Andrew and Jen have had a longtime passion for and commitment to ACCY, Youth Convention and Junior High Rally dating back to their own service as ACCY members. They have volunteered in their various roles to help ensure a quality experience for those who serve as youth in leadership and for those who attend our annual archdiocesan youth events.

Also, we would like to thank staff at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton who welcomed us to use their facilities over the weekend. Father Edgar Sanchez (who came and greeted the group), Susie King (who advocated for and coordinated our use of the facility) and Daniel Miller (who prepared and served dinner and dessert for us on Saturday night) were especially present with their hospitality. We are thankful for their support of this important event.

More details to come soon on ACCY 2009-10.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Release of abducted nephew

As many of you may know, the nephew of Isaac Govea from the Vicar for Clergy Office was abducted in front of his home in Tijuana a little over a month ago. As you can see from this news item from, he was just released.

This, of course, is very happy news. It prompts us to give thanksgiving to God but also continue to hold in our prayers those that are still captive, those that choose to resort to these actions and all of those impacted by this type of violence, wherever it may occur.

Junior High Student Parent Retreat

We wanted to remind everyone that spots are still available on the upcoming Junior High Student Parent Retreat. This retreat will be hosted at Camp Hamilton on May 8-9th. Maryelyn Scholz will be leading this dynamic weekend of fun, reflection and relaxation for parents and teens. For more information, visit our Family Ministry page or email.

Adolescent Catechesis Workshop

This was a very thoughtful, helpful day. Well presented by Cheryl. We will determine what of the information can be posted and share that with those who could not make it. Once again, as described in a previous post, the new CMD book "Leadership for Catholic Youth Ministry" would be a great resource.

Outside of the formal presentation, I did discover how important Cheetos are to coordinators of youth ministry and reminded how important coke is to junior high youth.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

RESOURCE ~ Adolescent Catechesis from CMD

For those of you who wanted to make the workshop at Christ the King Parish in Seattle on "Adolescent Catechesis" but cannot make it for whatever reason are encouraged to tap into the resource of the Center for Ministry Development in another way. They have a new book, Leadership for Catholic Youth Ministry, published by 23rd Publications (2009). The chapters on Adolescent Catechesis and Adolescent Development provide good background for much of the workshop content.

While this doesn't replace the dynamic presentation and the opportunity for interaction, networking and fellowship of the workshop, it certainly is a good way to access the foundational information.

The book is available on the CMD website at this location:

Monday, April 13, 2009

Catholic Climate Covenant:The St. Francis Pledge to Care for Creation and the Poor

From the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry:

The Catholic Coalition on Climate Change is about to launch a new and ambitious effort: Catholic Climate Covenant: The St. Francis Pledge to Care for Creation and the Poor. If you have not already received it, your pastor should be receiving soon a resource mailing on this material.

This resource encourages Catholic individuals, families, parishes, schools, and other Catholic organizations to take the St. Francis Pledge and includes:
· A welcoming letter from the honorary chairman of the campaign, Bishop William Skylstad, and ideas for implementing the program
· A poster with the primary message of the Campaign: Who's Under Your Carbon Footprint
· The Pledge and ways to fulfill the Pledge

You can go to this link to review this material:

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Follow the link to download the registration form for the Adolescent Catechesis workshop:

Click on the link below to get to the registration form from the CMD website.


It turns out online registration is not available. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please see below for the REGISTRATION INFORMATION. Because they have requested registration 2 weeks in advance (which is today), please register ASAP.

Registration Fee: $49 per person includes workshop materials, lunch, and refreshments.

Please register two weeks in advance. To register, choose from these options:
Ø Register by phone by calling toll-free: (888) 723-2433
Ø Register by fax or mail using one registration form per person.
Payment by credit card required for phone and fax registrations.
Payment by check can be made by mailing in registration form(s).

Adolescent Catechesis Workshop, APRIL 23rd - PLEASE REGISTER ASAP...

Just a reminder that we need to have folks register through the Center for Ministry Development for the workshop on "Adolescent Catechesis". It is right around the corner on Thursday, April 23rd at Christ the King Parish in Seattle from 9-3pm.

This is not just for those who coordinate youth ministry. This workshop is a great tool for anyone doing catechesis with adolescents!

Please go to our "RESOURCES" section to find out more details and for a downloadable pdf of the CMD flyer. You can register online at

They need a minimum amount of people registered to hold the workshop, so if you are planning on attending, please take the time to RSVP ASAP so we can insure it will take place...

If you have any questions, please contact Tauno Latvala at 206.382.2o19 or

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy Sainthood Anniversary, St. John Bosco!

Today, Wednesday, April 1st, marks the 75th anniversary of the canonization of St. John Bosco.

Don Bosco was canonized on Easter Sunday of 1934 by Pope Pius XI at the end of the Jubilee Year of our Redemption. The Pope chose that day to show his great admiration for Don Bosco. A crowd of approximately 100,000 people gathered in Rome to celebrate his canonization. Churches throughout the world filled to celebrate the life of the new saint and the Salesians experienced a surge in vocations.

Known as the "Father and Teacher of Youth", it is why our CYO camp in Carnation is aptly named, Camp Don Bosco.

To read a letter from the Salesian Rector Major, Fr. Pascual Chávez Villanueva, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the canonization, please click here:

St. John Bosco believed that young people were the seeds of the beginning of God's life and that we are called to be signs and bearers of God's love for the young. Special prayers and blessings to St. John Bosco on this day of commemoration and for all of you who do such special work with our youth!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Forms are now available in Spanish

All of our permission forms, guidelines and other important documents are now available in both English and Spanish through the blog and main Archdiocesan website.
Download all the Spanish forms.
Download all the English forms.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Welcome to the new OYYAM blog!

Welcome to the new Youth Ministry blog! We encourage you to bookmark this page ( or subscribe to the updates on this or any other page, to ensure you always have the most updated information from our office.
This blog will be regularly updated with information, and resources. Our hope is to be able to communicate the most accurate information to you as quickly as possible. As you follow links through this blog you will find most or all of our programs represented and easily located.
Because this is is still in the early stages of development we ask everyone to help us make this an effective tool. If you find something not working, or have suggestions for how to improve the page, please e-mail them Bridget Harris. Although the blog is mostly up, we will have a few pages with errors and inactive links until all the content is developed.
As this site develops, we hope it helps everyone find the information they need here and on the main Archdiocese website. We will move more content to this as time goes on, so be sure to use as your new first stop for updated information from OYYAM.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Hello! We are just writing to let you know that our blog is under intense construction and will hopefully be finished soon! We are excited to be able to update and reach everyone in our community through this wonderful new site. We will havve this site up and running on April 1st so check back then. Until then visit our may site at Thank you for your patience and we hope to see you soon!