Monday, November 26, 2007

Leadership Development - Youth

OYYAM sponsors several leadership development camps over the year, so be on the look out for upcoming events. There are also opportunities for youth group programs and schools to use our challenge course facilities and hire a staff facilitator.

Ascend High School Leadership Camp
Ascend continues a long tradition within the Archdiocese of providing quality opportunities for leadership development for our high school aged youth. Ascend seeks to support and train freshmen and sophomores in hight school identified locally for leadership roles by their parishes and school communities. The program involves a planning team of 6-8 professionals, a staff of 20 adults and young adults, and +100 youth participants.
Ascend 2010 : July 6-10 : Camp Hamilton
This unique Catholic leadership camp is a great experience for the young people in your parish who are on a leadership team . It's also a great opportunity for you to encourage those whom you've seen having leadership potential. Serve as staff at Ascend! - We are now looking for staff - especially college-age young adults looking for something meaningful and fun to do with their summer. Youth ministers are welcome too!

look for registration forms to come soon
For more information, or to get involved, email Bridget Harris


Ascend HD: Summer Leadership Camp for Seniors and Juniors

This program is designed specifically for those who wish to be challenged to new levels of leadership. Parishes and schools are encouraged to send their junior and seniors to Ascend HD to bring their relationship with Christ, the Church and their community into greatest focus. Combining the camp experience with the experience of a retreat, you will strengthen your connection to Christ and to the members of your leadership team and develop leadership skills in an incredible outdoor setting. For 5 days and 4 nights, students develop relationships and enjoy the beautiful setting of waterfront property and the rustic environment of Camp Gallagher.
Ascend HD 2010:June 22-26: Camp Gallagher
Serve as staff at Summit! - We are now looking for staff - especially college-age young adults looking for something meaningful and fun to do with their summer. Youth ministers are welcome too!

For more information, or to get involved, email Bridget Harris.
Look for registration forms to come soon


2010 Camp 4:12 Jr. High Leadership Experience
"Let no one have contempt for your youth, but set an example for those who believe, in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity.” - 1 Timothy 4:12.

This leadership experience offers those individuals entering grades 7-9 the opportunity to enhance their leadership ability. Participants will strengthen their relationship with Christ and one another, while enjoying all that Camp Don Bosco has to offer. We will spend our time identifying the gifts we already have for leadership, and developing the concrete tools for leadership in parish programs. Youth ministers are encouraged to bring a team of youth to participate in this leadership retreat.
Camp 4:12: July 26-29: Camp Don Bosco

Registration materials coming soon
For more information, or to get involved, email Bridget Harris.


2010 Summit Junior High Leadership Experience

This leadership experience allows those students involved in Student Government at their Catholic Grade School to explore their call to Christian Leadership. Participants will strengthen their relationships with those in their school and the larger community. We will look at the example of Christ as our leader and develop our own leadership skills through prayer, activity and the experience of Camp. This retreat specifically provides youth in Catholic Schools the necessary skills to be effective disciples and leaders to their peers. Schools can bring teams of students to this 4-day event to experience Camp Don Bosco, develop as a leadership team and strengthen their individual leadership skills.
Summit Junior High: August 23-26: Camp Hamilton

For more information, or to get involved, email Bridget Harris.


Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Youth (ACCY)
The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Youth is a group that has been in continuous existence since the 1950s. Members are expected to be active participants in their parish community and are selected at the deanery level. They are expected to attend Ascend High School Leadership Camp and meet on a regular basis throughout the school year. They work together to assist in the development and implementation of comprehensive youth ministry in the Archdiocese of Seattle at the diocesan, deanery and parish level. If you or someone you know is interested in serving on ACCY, please work within deanery structures to determine the process at the deanery level for nomination to the Archdiocesan level.

If you need assistance, please contact the Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry.