Friday, June 5, 2009

RESOURCE - Need a Self Directed Retreat?

Did you miss the Youth and Young Adult Ministers Retreat and you are looking for a way to do a self directed retreat? Our retreats are often rooted in a book that taps into what we need to replenish ourselves for ministry and ourselves for our life beyond ministry. The links that are listed here provide you with details about the books, and in the case of "Sabbath" provide you with a searchable copy. All of these sites offer discounts for used copies if you would like to go that route. You may of course choose not to purchase from these sites but they sometimes give options that the publishers do not.

This year, we examined, "Sabbath - Restoring the Sacred Rhythm of Rest" by Wayne Muller. Last year, our retreat was based on "The Godbearing Life - the Art of Soul Tending for Youth Ministry" by Kenda Creasy Dean and Ron Foster. Many of you may recognize that Kenda was one of the keynotes from the National Conference of Catholic Youth Ministry (NCCYM) held in Cleveland, OH this past year. We have also had the opportunity to hear Mike Carotta present from the book he wrote with his wife entitled "Sustaining the Spirit - Callings, Commitments & Vocational Challenges". All these books would present worthwhile opportunities for some self reflection, challenge and affirmation of the work you do as a minister but also who you are as a person of faith independent of your role as minister.

I encourage you to take the time to do a little bit each day to engage in the care of you and your relationship with God. God gave us the commandment, we just have to obey!

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