Wednesday, May 13, 2009

RESOURCE - Justice, Peace and Human Development Initiatives

This is a follow up communication to the art contest which we sent information out for in a previous email. If you haven't looked at it previously, the resources and contest might be something you look at for use in your program or class next year. There is also information regarding an award for young adults engaged in the practice of addressing the root causes of poverty and injustice.

From Jill Rauh, Justice, Peace and Human Development
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Dear Colleagues,

JPHD is pleased to announce two initiatives to assist you in sharing Catholic social teaching with your audiences.

1) 2010 CCHD Multi-Media Youth Arts Contest

This contest is a tool for schools and parishes to engage youth in grades 7 through 12 in learning about the causes of poverty, Catholic social teaching, the two feet of social action, and the work and witness of groups funded by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. All art forms are welcome, such as YouTube videos, music, painting, drama, writing, PowerPoint slideshows, etc.

Several dozen pages of new lesson plans and activities for use with this contest are posted on the contest website.

Summer is an excellent time for many schools and parishes to plan for the coming year. A sample email message and flyer to spread the word about this contest are attached.

2) Cardinal Bernardin New Leadership Award

This annual award is given to a Catholic young adult engaged in efforts to address the root causes of poverty and injustice in the United States.

The award is presented at a reception at the November meeting of the bishops of the United States. Please consider nominating a young Catholic ages 18-30 in your diocese.

The deadline for nominations is July 31, 2009.

The brochure and nomination form are available here. Please feel free to contact me for more information about either of these initiatives.

In Christ,

Jill Rauh

Issue Outreach and Youth and Young Adult Coordinator
Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
3211 Fourth Street Northeast Washington, DC 20017

This was sent from a general email address. To contact the sender of the alert directly, please use the email address in their signature. To contact JPHD about general information, email

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