Thursday, April 9, 2009

Adolescent Catechesis Workshop, APRIL 23rd - PLEASE REGISTER ASAP...

Just a reminder that we need to have folks register through the Center for Ministry Development for the workshop on "Adolescent Catechesis". It is right around the corner on Thursday, April 23rd at Christ the King Parish in Seattle from 9-3pm.

This is not just for those who coordinate youth ministry. This workshop is a great tool for anyone doing catechesis with adolescents!

Please go to our "RESOURCES" section to find out more details and for a downloadable pdf of the CMD flyer. You can register online at

They need a minimum amount of people registered to hold the workshop, so if you are planning on attending, please take the time to RSVP ASAP so we can insure it will take place...

If you have any questions, please contact Tauno Latvala at 206.382.2o19 or

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