Friday, December 18, 2009

CRS' Food Fast Program - REMINDER

As you know, one of the great gifts of our Catholic faith and tradition is Catholic Social Teaching. Combine this with the desire of our youth to act upon their faith. Add the need of many young people to perform community service hours for school, honor society, Scouting, etc. and you have a win-win opportunity to help our youth grow in understanding of the Catholic Faith and to empower them to make a difference in the lives of others.

Many of you heard at "Catholic Youth Louder than Before! Convention 2009" about the incredible work done by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in the name of the Catholic Church throughout the world. CRS has a program and resources entitled "Food Fast" that is a great structure to offer an opportunity to do a retreat for Confirmation, to prepare mission trekkers, to engage our youth in the message of CST and solidarity with the marginalized.

All permission slips, schedules, activities, prayers, ice breakers are available on line at the Food Fast website and are new, fresh and powerful. CRS West Youth Programs Coordinator, Jeanine Boucher-Colbert (503-282-6406) can put you in touch with other youth leaders who have implemented this program in their parish, school or deanery!

CRS provides speakers for the Food Fast program which can be arranged through Mikaele Sansone at 410-951-7336 or

CRS has more than 70 priests, deacons, and seminarians committed to spreading the message about our gospel call to global solidarity. Our Global Fellows have witnessed firsthand how the work of CRS helps bring joy and assistance to those in need around the world.
A CRS Global Fellow can visit your youth group and community and share how CRS is helping those who are hungry overseas.