Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hispanic Ministry and Pew Research Report

Several of our OYYAM staff participated in the Hispanic Ministry in-service today hosted by the Office of the Vicar for Clergy (OVC) at St. James Cathedral.

A study by the Pew Research Center was referenced and it reminded me of an article I read in the Seattle Times earlier this week.

Among the findings of the larger report, it shared information that many of us are by now familiar:

Major changes in the makeup of American Catholicism also loom on the horizon. Latinos, who already account for roughly one-in-three adult Catholics overall, may account for an even larger share of U.S. Catholics in the future. For while Latinos represent roughly one-in-eight U.S. Catholics age 70 and older (12%), they account for nearly half of all Catholics ages 18-29 (45%).

Of course, this has implications for those of us working in the field of youth and young adult ministry. OVC will be putting the powerpoint into a form that perhaps can be shared with you who didn't get a chance to participate in the meeting today. We will share with you when we can.

At the same time, if you haven't had a chance to look at this report from 2008, you should go the Pew Research Center and utilize the interactive features to learn more about religious affiliation in the United States. You can also sign up so that when reports come out, they will email you directly.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

World Fair Trade Day - May 9, 2009!

From Jeanine Boucher-Colbert, CRS West, Youth Programs

Please join CRS in celebrating World Fair Trade Day. Be part of a movement in the US to beat the World Record for the largest Fair Trade Break and build a movement of hope around the world. On and around Saturday, May 9, you can join hundreds of thousands of people across the U.S. and in over 80 countries to promote Fair Trade and campaign for trade justice together with farmers and artisans around the world.

In the U.S. we are doing our part by setting the record straight. Please join workplaces, churches, synagogues, schools, businesses & neighbors as we help break last year's World's Largest Fair Trade break. We are aiming for 55,000 total participants in the US!

How can you participate? Between May 1-10 you can:
  1. Count a Fair Trade coffee break at your parish or schools!
  2. Kick around a Fair Trade soccer ball!
  3. Make lemonade with Fair Trade sugar!
  4. Share a Fair Trade chocolate bar from Divine or Equal Exchange.
  5. Hold a Work of Human Hands Sale!

Check out this short video from the Fair Trade Resource Network to get an idea of what World Fair Trade Day is about.

It's easy! Just remember to send a short description of your event and the number of people who attended to Jackie DeCarlo, Fair Trade Coordinator at Catholic Relief Services BEFORE May 15! You can reach Jackie here.

ORDER YOUR FREE RESOURCES today from the Fair Trade Resource Network

Learn more about how Catholic Relief Services' brings a better future to farmers and artisans at CRS Fair Trade. Join us in building the Fair Trade movement on and around May 9th! With economic justice, everyone wins!

Call me if you have any questions!

Jeanine Jeanine Boucher-Colbert
Youth Programs, CRS West

Monday, April 27, 2009

Thanks to ACCY!

This weekend marked our final gathering of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Youth (ACCY) for 2008-09. We are very appreciative of their time, talents and energy this year in service to the youth of the Archdiocese.

We are also appreciative of Andrew and Jen Feucht who have served so capably as the ACCY Coordinators for the last several years. As many of you heard at Junior High Rally, they are stepping down from their roles at this time. Andrew and Jen have had a longtime passion for and commitment to ACCY, Youth Convention and Junior High Rally dating back to their own service as ACCY members. They have volunteered in their various roles to help ensure a quality experience for those who serve as youth in leadership and for those who attend our annual archdiocesan youth events.

Also, we would like to thank staff at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton who welcomed us to use their facilities over the weekend. Father Edgar Sanchez (who came and greeted the group), Susie King (who advocated for and coordinated our use of the facility) and Daniel Miller (who prepared and served dinner and dessert for us on Saturday night) were especially present with their hospitality. We are thankful for their support of this important event.

More details to come soon on ACCY 2009-10.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Release of abducted nephew

As many of you may know, the nephew of Isaac Govea from the Vicar for Clergy Office was abducted in front of his home in Tijuana a little over a month ago. As you can see from this news item from, he was just released.

This, of course, is very happy news. It prompts us to give thanksgiving to God but also continue to hold in our prayers those that are still captive, those that choose to resort to these actions and all of those impacted by this type of violence, wherever it may occur.

Junior High Student Parent Retreat

We wanted to remind everyone that spots are still available on the upcoming Junior High Student Parent Retreat. This retreat will be hosted at Camp Hamilton on May 8-9th. Maryelyn Scholz will be leading this dynamic weekend of fun, reflection and relaxation for parents and teens. For more information, visit our Family Ministry page or email.

Adolescent Catechesis Workshop

This was a very thoughtful, helpful day. Well presented by Cheryl. We will determine what of the information can be posted and share that with those who could not make it. Once again, as described in a previous post, the new CMD book "Leadership for Catholic Youth Ministry" would be a great resource.

Outside of the formal presentation, I did discover how important Cheetos are to coordinators of youth ministry and reminded how important coke is to junior high youth.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

RESOURCE ~ Adolescent Catechesis from CMD

For those of you who wanted to make the workshop at Christ the King Parish in Seattle on "Adolescent Catechesis" but cannot make it for whatever reason are encouraged to tap into the resource of the Center for Ministry Development in another way. They have a new book, Leadership for Catholic Youth Ministry, published by 23rd Publications (2009). The chapters on Adolescent Catechesis and Adolescent Development provide good background for much of the workshop content.

While this doesn't replace the dynamic presentation and the opportunity for interaction, networking and fellowship of the workshop, it certainly is a good way to access the foundational information.

The book is available on the CMD website at this location:

Monday, April 13, 2009

Catholic Climate Covenant:The St. Francis Pledge to Care for Creation and the Poor

From the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry:

The Catholic Coalition on Climate Change is about to launch a new and ambitious effort: Catholic Climate Covenant: The St. Francis Pledge to Care for Creation and the Poor. If you have not already received it, your pastor should be receiving soon a resource mailing on this material.

This resource encourages Catholic individuals, families, parishes, schools, and other Catholic organizations to take the St. Francis Pledge and includes:
· A welcoming letter from the honorary chairman of the campaign, Bishop William Skylstad, and ideas for implementing the program
· A poster with the primary message of the Campaign: Who's Under Your Carbon Footprint
· The Pledge and ways to fulfill the Pledge

You can go to this link to review this material:

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Follow the link to download the registration form for the Adolescent Catechesis workshop:

Click on the link below to get to the registration form from the CMD website.


It turns out online registration is not available. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please see below for the REGISTRATION INFORMATION. Because they have requested registration 2 weeks in advance (which is today), please register ASAP.

Registration Fee: $49 per person includes workshop materials, lunch, and refreshments.

Please register two weeks in advance. To register, choose from these options:
Ø Register by phone by calling toll-free: (888) 723-2433
Ø Register by fax or mail using one registration form per person.
Payment by credit card required for phone and fax registrations.
Payment by check can be made by mailing in registration form(s).

Adolescent Catechesis Workshop, APRIL 23rd - PLEASE REGISTER ASAP...

Just a reminder that we need to have folks register through the Center for Ministry Development for the workshop on "Adolescent Catechesis". It is right around the corner on Thursday, April 23rd at Christ the King Parish in Seattle from 9-3pm.

This is not just for those who coordinate youth ministry. This workshop is a great tool for anyone doing catechesis with adolescents!

Please go to our "RESOURCES" section to find out more details and for a downloadable pdf of the CMD flyer. You can register online at

They need a minimum amount of people registered to hold the workshop, so if you are planning on attending, please take the time to RSVP ASAP so we can insure it will take place...

If you have any questions, please contact Tauno Latvala at 206.382.2o19 or

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy Sainthood Anniversary, St. John Bosco!

Today, Wednesday, April 1st, marks the 75th anniversary of the canonization of St. John Bosco.

Don Bosco was canonized on Easter Sunday of 1934 by Pope Pius XI at the end of the Jubilee Year of our Redemption. The Pope chose that day to show his great admiration for Don Bosco. A crowd of approximately 100,000 people gathered in Rome to celebrate his canonization. Churches throughout the world filled to celebrate the life of the new saint and the Salesians experienced a surge in vocations.

Known as the "Father and Teacher of Youth", it is why our CYO camp in Carnation is aptly named, Camp Don Bosco.

To read a letter from the Salesian Rector Major, Fr. Pascual Chávez Villanueva, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the canonization, please click here:

St. John Bosco believed that young people were the seeds of the beginning of God's life and that we are called to be signs and bearers of God's love for the young. Special prayers and blessings to St. John Bosco on this day of commemoration and for all of you who do such special work with our youth!